My Favorite Time of Year

ramos_fall6I think I’ve shared before how much I love love love this time of year. In my opinion, autumn has one the best smells of all seasons.  I know, call me weird, but I feel like each season has it’s own smell to it. I definitely think that Summer is the worst smelling of all the seasons. It seems like the heat just melts things on the street and brings up smells that aren’t very pleasant.  I also love the beautiful colors of autumn, activities there is to do such as apple picking, going on hayrides, going to pumpkin patches, OU Sooner football…. I could go on and on but just thought I’d share how happy I am that this time of year is here.

My Man the Handy Man

He may not be quite a Bob Vila, but my hubby is getting to be quite the handy man around the house. We’ve lived in our home for almost two years now and have gone without closet doors in our room and KJ’s room for all that time until today that is. I’ve been desperately wanting closet doors without trying to beg too much. Lowes had them on sale for $19/door, so we took advantage of the sale. He did an awesome job! Now, if I could just get the trim around my garage door finished, love you babe!

DSCN2464The before….

DSCN2472….and after! Don’t they look great!

DSCN2475Proudly standing in front of her new closet doors. She’s mainly excited because now she can “open her door and get more animals to sleep with!”, as she told Kyle.

Running For A Cause

My awesome husband, Kyle will be running in the Chicago marathon on Sunday Oct. 11th.  He is running for Team World Vision. He has set out to raise at least $500 which will go to World Vision to help save lives in Africa.  Below is a video that shows just a bit of what Team World Vision is all about and how they are helping save lives of people in Africa.

So, there are two ways you can help, you can directly donate here:

OR you can order one of these sweet t-shirts below:

voiceforthevoiceless-2T-shirts are $15 and can be mailed if you’re outside the St. Louis area for an additional $5. If you’d like one, just let me know by leaving a comment or you can also email me at: We will be submitting the order on Sunday Sep. 13th

This is a great cause, so if you’d like, help and be a voice for the voiceless.

Papa’s Home!!!

Well, good news. My dad was able to come home yesterday. He is doing very well, getting up and moving around more. He was able to leave the hospital without requiring oxygen at home. Through all of this I’m reminded of how fragile life is and how lucky we are to have the life that the Lord has given us. I have learned to not take my life for granted and to be thankful for every breath I am able to take. I think this whole situations has strengthened our family. Thank you to everyone who has supported us with thoughts and prayers through this, my dad still has a recovery period, but he is getting stronger every day. I think Kenedee is enjoying the Papa that is now home and not at the hospital.

The Latest on Dad

I’m staying overnight with my dad tonight. He is doing wonderful, all tubes and drains are out and his pain is pretty much under control, he is still having  a little nausea, but it’s getting better than it was. It’s great to see him up and moving around a little bit more. Quick story on Kenedee, my dad used to tease her and say “Remember when we used to be friends.” He said this because she started to show a bit of favoritism towards my mom. So the other day Kenedee was with Kyle and said, “I think I know why Papa’s heart is hurt.” Kyle said, “Why?” She replied, “Because we’re not friends anymore.” Bless her little heart, she thought she hurt Papa’s heart, Kyle very quickly explained to her that was not why Papa’s heart was hurt. She has been up to the hospital a few times to see him and I think it’s been good for her to see that Papa is beginning to feel better. Just continue to pray that my dad continues to recover well from this, he is doing great.

Update on my Dad

Well, we had a bit unexpected news yesterday. They found some blockage during the cardiact cath. that they were unable to stent, so they ended up having to do triple bypass late last night. It was about a 4 1/2 hr. surgery. He is now off the ventilator and very very sleepy but is communicating with us. He is well on his way to recovering from this. We had an amazing group of friends and family with us last night at the hospital who stayed until he came out of surgery. Doctors and nurses are saying all his numbers look great. We are so thankful that he went to the hospital when he did, he is definitely in the hands of the Lord.