Go St. Louis

We spent Sunday morning rooting for my hubby and my dad who were running in the Go St Louis 1/2 marathon. This was kyle’s second 1/2 marathon and my dad’s first, which was so awesome to see home accomplish this, considering just 8 months ago he had triple bypass surgery. The weather was great! They were both very happy with thei results, now Kyle is trying to talk my dad into doing a full marathon.

Princess Kenedee

Our children’s ministry department planned an event called Children of the King, Kenedee was told about it a couple of months ago and was so excited. In fact, so excited, that any time we mentioned something going on in the month of March, she would say, “No, we can’t do that, that’s when the prince and princess party is.” So, we would have to explain that the party was only one day in March and not the whole month. After discussing what she should wear with her 5 year old boy pal, she decided on her blue Tiana dress.  All the children had a great time.

This is her wagon that was transformed into a carriage.

Having a tea party.

Showing off her fabulous crown she designed with one of her other princess friends.

She had a really great time, her prince (who was the boy she discussed her attire with) wasn’t able to make it though, because he was sick. Surpisingly, she didn’t get too upset, in fact I don’t even know that she noticed he wasn’t there, she was having so much fun.

My Little Bookworm

It’s so nice to have a child who loves to look at books, especially when she’ll lay on bed a little longer in the mornings and do it so mommy and daddy can get a little more shut eye. Kenedee could probably look at books and be read to for hours.

Questions from Kenedee

Kenedee and I had quite an interesting conversation over breakfast this morning, I thought maybe we had passed the awkward questioning stage, but I guess not.

1. “Mommy when I was born did I come out of your belly or your legs?”

2. “Will this baby come out of your belly or your legs?”

3. “How does your heart break?”

4. “Why do people die?”

5. “What do you do in heaven?”

I mean really, how was I supposed to answer these questions, I told her that this baby will probably come out of mommy’s legs, I was waiting for the conversation to go further but it didn’t, she was content with that. Then I had to explain the phrase “broken heart” not meaning a physically broken heart, and then we had the conversation about when people die they go to be with Jesus in heaven and when you’re in heaven you get to hang out with Jesus and have fun all day, she was content with that and then decided that she doesn’t ever want to die. Wow, talk about a way to start off the morning!

Kenedee on Toms

Sorry, it’s been so long, life is keeping me very busy these days. I submitted Kenedee’s photo to the Toms website a few weeks ago and she made it on!!  Not that she was specially chosen because there are hundreds of photos on there, but it was neat to see. If you click here you can view it.  I will try and be better about posting more this week.

Welcome Home Daddy

Kyle has been away from us this week. He took a group of college students on a mission trip to LA, yes that’s right, he was able to enjoy 60-70 degree weather while Kenedee and I suffered in the frigid cold, I think one night it got down to one degree.  Well, we’re very excited to have him home tomorrow evening, so in celebration, we decided to bake him a chocolate cake. Kenedee was quite the little helper in the kitchen.

And voila, we have a chocolate cake, sprinkles courtesy of Miss Kenedee Jane.

I have to admit that I was a little nervous about Kyle going out of town this week, Kenedee is at the age where sometimes having both parents around makes things a little bit easier, especially with me being pregnant and tiring easily. I have to say though, we had a great week, I think I only had to put her in timeout twice, I think it helped that we didn’t have a lot of errand running to do and were able to stay inside and play and stay warm. The Lord definitely helped me with my patience this week. One thing  I have learned about Kenedee’s personality is that I just have to sit back and let her be as independant as she wants (unless she’s going to harm herself of course), even though my personality is the type to want to rush rush rush and get things done quickly, I can’t always do that with her. I love her so much and am thankful for the time we were able to have together this week.

A Few of Her Favorite Things

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to post, what can I say, life is very busy for us. I thought I’d share a few pictures of some of Kenedee’s favorite things she received for Christmas.

This would be her pink cowgirl hat her Papa Ken bought her.  She eyed this a couple months ago when her and Kyle were in Bass Pro, she was so excited when she opened it. Her thought is that she’ll wear it when she rides “Daisy”, the horse at Papa Ken’s house.

This is from part of her Princess Tiana dress up chest that she got, although she wasn’t to crazy about the “Princess and the Frog” movie, she loves Princess Tiana.

Her Princess Tiana flapper dress.

Her first pair of Toms from her Mimi.  Don’t know of many 4 yr. olds that would get this excited over a pair of shoes, but she was ecstatic when she opened them.  If you’ve never heard of this company, you should totally check them out, they give a pair of shoes away for every pair that is bought, plus they are super cute and comfy.

She did receive too many other gifts but these just happened to be some that we caught on camera. We had a wonderful Christmas, besides the 5 hrs. we waited in the airport, we were able to be around those that we loved, which is what is most important. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!!

Time With My Girl

Kyle has been out of town this week, so it’s just been me and KJ for a few days. I decided to spend a little girl time with her today.


We started the morning off with breakfast at Bread Co. before she had to go to preschool. She got her favorite, a pumpkin muffie.

211After I picked her up from preschool, I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and we stopped at the park where she chased the ducks and fed them bread.

212Her smile melts my heart, we had the playground all to ourselves, it was nice.

213We ended the night with nail painting, popcorn and a movie. I love spending time with my daughter, although it was challenging at times this week not having Kyle around, we survived. It was so sweet when we were leaving the park today, she said, “I love spending time with you Mommy.” How precious is that, I love her to pieces.

Can You Guess?

This is our second year of deciding our Halloween costumes based on what Kenedee decides she want to dress up as, the ideas we came up with this year were great and made sense, however actually turning them into costumes wasn’t as easy.

DSCN2596So, any ideas as to what we might be (Hint: Kenedee was a butterfly)

I am supposed to be a caterpillar and Kyle is a cocoon (or chrysalis I guess is the more proper term) He was definitely called many other things that night other than a cocoon. It was fun and Kenedee enjoyed it so that was the best part, guess we’ll see what she comes up with next year, I’ve already heard her say she wants to be mermaid, don’t know where we’ll go with that one but so much can change in a year anyway.